TRI Austin specializes in developing high-performance products that can meet demanding environments.
Texas Research Institute, Inc. (TRI Austin) conducts research and development for both defense and commercial customers in various markets. TRI Austin and TRI Applied Technologies have over 30 years of experience in the fields of materials research and development, nondestructive inspection and evaluation, and aerospace structure design, analysis, integration and testing.
TRI Austin has extensive experience in the areas composites, polymers, and material health monitoring systems. Our staff of highly qualified personnel is fully equipped to meet unique customer needs and requirements worldwide. Our vision is to be a materials technology innovator and to quickly commercialize superior technologies to support the user. To ensure successful commercialization of our proprietary technologies, we carefully select strategic partners to transition innovations to production.
Key Customers/Past Performance
TRI Austin works with a variety of government and commercial customers including:
• DoD (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines), NASA, Department of Transportation
• DoD Contractors (Boeing, GD, GE, Lockheed Martin, and others)
• Commercial Companies (ARCO, Chevron, ExxonMobil Dow, DuPont, Kimberly Clark, etc.)
Our specialists evaluate different NDE techniques to determine what the best approach is for a particular application. In situations where current techniques do not suffice, TRI Austin also performs R&D to develop new NDE and health monitoring methods and hardware. Techniques include ultrasonic, acoustic emission, & eddy current. To learn more about TRI Austin’s NDT and NDE services click here.
We have focused significant attention on the improved life and sustainment of aircraft, vehicles, ships, and submarines. We work with NDE, advanced D&DT analysis, and structural monitoring to implement longer life into these platforms. We have developed a small lightweight SHM device and we use other products as well for SHM. For more information about TRI Austin’s Structural Health Monitoring services click here.
Advanced Materials
Development and Testing
We design, optimize, and prototype coatings, adhesives, sealants, foams, lubricants, and other custom polymer formulations for customers with demanding applications. We have a fully equipped material testing laboratory, as well as formulation prototyping and small batch production capabilities. For more information on TRI Austin’s Advanced Materials Development Services click here.
Composite Materials
Development and Evaluation
We can redesign an existing structure or design a new structure as our composites capabilities cover the spectrum from materials development to final production, and include resin formulation, materials selection, solid modeling, finite element analysis, structural analysis, materials testing and characterization, and manufacturing. For more information on TRI Austin’s Composite Materials Development and Evaluation click here.
Applied Reliability Engineering
TRI Austin has provided Reliability Engineering Services for over 40 years to Government and Commercial clients. These include Accelerated Life Testing, Materials Testing; Design, Stress and Failure Analyses; Failure Modes and Rate Modeling and Lifetime Reliability Prediction. We have continued to help an expanding list of customers characterize the attributes of their products to ensure confidence in design selections and, as importantly, to make product improvements. For more information about TRI Austin’s Applied Reliability services click here.
UAS Reliability and Testing
TRI Austin has over 40 years of experience in failure analysis and accelerated life testing with a focus on emerging technologies. TRI Austin has proven expertise in identifying, correcting and mitigating failures in widely ranging electronic and electromechanical systems and sensors. We can very quickly tell you how well your systems will tolerate the environment and conditions in which you expect to use them. For more information on TRI Austin’s UAS Reliability and Testing capabilities click here.
Accelerated Life Testing
We have a fully equipped laboratory to perform physical, chemical, and thermal testing of materials. We have 25 years of experience performing Accelerated Life Testing including marine environmental exposure. All methods are traceable to MIL SPEC, ASTM or NACE standards. For more information on Accelerated Life Testing click here.