
Texas Research International, founded in 1975 and headquartered in beautiful Austin, Texas. TRI offers research and development expertise and many testing services through each of it’s subsidiaries. TRI Air Testing provides air testing, medical gas testing, and indoor air testing services. TRI Austin offers composite material development, nondestructive testing and evaluation, failure analysis, and reliability engineering services. Additionally, TRI Environmental provides biological testing, analytical chemistry testing, protective clothing evaluation, and geosynthetics designing services.

Nondestructive Evaluation

Structural Health Monitoring

Advanced Materials
Development and Testing

Composite Materials
Development and Evaluation

Applied Reliability Engineering

Accelerated Life Testing

Unmanned Aerial System
Reliability and Testing


Compressed Air and Gas Testing

Mold and Bacteria
Testing and Analysis

Geosynthetics and Geotechnical
Testing Services

Erosion Control Materials
Testing and Analysis

Liner Integrity Survey/Leak Detection

Protective Clothing
Testing and Certification

Education and Training

Independent Sampling
and Auditing Services

Pipe Testing​

Methane and Water Vapor
Barrier Testing and Certification


TRI’s principal laboratories are on 40 acres in the Hill Country of Austin, Texas. We occupy three buildings with a combined floor space of 27,800 feet. Our facilities meet federal, state and local environmental standards for airborne emissions, waterborne effluent, external radiation levels and noise. We follow industry best practices for solid and bulk waste disposal and handling and storage of toxic and hazardous materials.

Our laboratory and facility capabilities include:

  • Materials development and testing
  • Chemistry
  • PEMS evaluation
  • COPV testing facility
  • Accelerated life testing
  • Polymer processing
  • Composite prototyping and fabrication
  • Nondestructive testing
  • Software
  • Electronics
  • Machine shop